David Nardoni

David Nardoni
Bio: In his role as a cyber crime response executive with Bank of America, David Nardoni is responsible for the Global Information Security (GIS) Cyber Crime Response & Disruption team, with a primary focus on the disruption of threat actor criminal activity aimed at bank clients and customers. Team functions include providing investigative support to fraud partners and developing countermeasures to better mitigate threat activity.
David has over 20 years of experience in cybersecurity. Prior to joining Cyber Crime Prevention, David was responsible for Bank of America’s vulnerability analysis, assessing and prioritizing vulnerabilities within the bank environment. In addition, David managed the global functions for the insider threat and malware prevention teams. At PwC he led the response to large-scale credit card breaches and cases involving economic espionage. David also worked for General Dynamics AIS as a malware specialist and digital forensics practitioner, conducting investigations of large data breaches. He is a former law enforcement officer with more than 10 years of experience investigating computer-based crimes.