Ehab Al-Shaer

Ehab Al-Shaer
Ehab Al-Shaer is a Professor in Computer Science, the director of the Cyber Defense and Network Assurability (CyberDNA) Center, and the director of NSF IUCRC Center on Security Configuration Analytics and Automation in UNC Charlotte. His area of research expertise includes security analytics and automation, auto-resiliency, configuration verification and hardening for enterprise and cloud computing, cyber agility & moving target defense, security & resiliency of smart grid and IoT systems, security & resiliency metrics, and next-generation intrusion detection. Dr. Al-Shaer has edited/co-edited more than 9 books, and published about 190 refereed journals and conferences papers in his area. He was designated as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) in the area of security analytics and automation in DoD Information Assurance Newsletter published in 2011. He received the IBM Faculty Award in 2012. I was the General Chair of ACM Computer and Communication in 2009 and 2010 and NSF Workshop in Assurable and Usable Security Configuration in 2008. Dr. Al-Shaer was also the PC chair for many other conferences and workshops including ACM/IEEE SafeConfig 2009 and 2013, IEEE Integrated Management 2007, IEEE POLICY 2008, and others. Since he joined UNC Charlotte in 2009, Dr. Al-Shaer has received a total research funding of more than $8M from various government and industry sources including NSF, NSA, AFRL, ARO, Duke Energy, IBM, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, BB&T, RTI, DTCC and others.
Presentation Title
CCAA Innovation in Cybersecurity Automation
Presentation Overview
The NSF Center for Cybersecurity Analytics and Automation (CCAA) is a multi-university and multi-industry center lead by UNC Charlotte to support automated sense-making and decision-making in cybersecurity. CCAA has started its fifth year. This talk will overview the innovative tools developed within CCAA in the area of cyber deception, risk mitigation, and cyber threat intelligence.