Jason Gillam

Jason Gillam
Title: This is Your Circus AND Your Monkeys: Managing Supply Chain Risk
Abstract: We all depend on 3rd parties to provide products, services, and equipment. Whether or not you have a choice, they still present risk to your organization’s objectives and the threat has drastically increased in recent years. In this talk we’ll look at specific examples of 3rd party failures that caused damages to their partners and discuss ways that you can identify and minimize those risks in your own organization.
Bio: Jason Gillam is the Chief Information Office of Secure Ideas. He has over 20 years of industry experience in enterprise software solutions, system architecture, and application security. Jason has spent most of his career in technical leadership roles ranging from startups to fortune 100 companies and has learned the business acumen necessary to advise everyone from developers to senior executives on security and architecture. His leadership experience is balanced with technical prowess, as he is regularly involved in software development and penetration testing activities.