Kerry Matre

Kerry Matre
Title: Why MTTR Doesn’t Belong in a SOC
Abstract: Good metrics are elusive in the world of Security Operations. Organizations often fall back on reporting fit for network operations that can incentivize bad behavior. This session will explore the purpose of metrics to give the business confidence in the services the SOC provides. Metrics that matter go beyond red/yellow/green charts and can drive change.
Bio: In almost two decades working in and around SOCs, Kerry Matre has seen some things. Some good. Some bad. Some very, very ugly. Having started her career in application development, she jumped into ethical hacking and security intelligence. She has seen what works and what doesn’t in over 150 SOCs and used those insights to co-author the Elements of Security Operations, a product-agnostic look at all of the components that go into making SecOps successful. Matre currently works with the experts of Mandiant as a Sr. Director for Services and Solutions with a focus on Cyber Defense.