Leonard Bailey

Leonard Bailey
Mr. Bailey is Special Counsel for National Security in the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section. He has prosecuted computer crime cases and routinely advises on cybersecurity, searching and seizing electronic evidence, and conducting electronic surveillance. He has managed DOJ cyber policy as Senior Counselor to the Assistant Attorney General for the National Security Division and then as an Associate Deputy Attorney General. He has also served as Special Counsel and Special Investigative Counsel for DOJ’s Inspector General.
Mr. Bailey is a graduate of Yale University and Yale Law School. He has taught law courses at Georgetown Law School and Columbus School of Law in Washington, D.C.
Presentation Title
Panel: Before During and After the Breach
Presentation Overview
This panel will provide perspectives and suggestions based on panelists’ experience and efforts to deal with cybersecurity breaches of organizations. Are there efforts organizations should undertake before, during and after a breach. What are some specifics requirements for organizations and pitfalls to avoid.
Roger Callahan, Managing Director, Information Assurance Advisory, LLC
Leonard Bailey, U.S. Department of Justice
Allen O’Rourke, Womble Carlyle
Megan Stifel, Silicon Harbor Consultants, LLC