Pam Dingle

Pam Dingle
Pamela Dingle is a well-known contributor in the identity management world, with over 15 years of experience focusing on implementation and system architecture, providing strategic direction in web access management solutions, provisioning and federation services. A Principal Technical Architect at Ping Identity in the office of the CTO, Pamela serves on the board of directors for the OpenID foundation, and focuses on architecture and implementation of new and existing identity standards.
Presentation Title
Advances in Standards-based API Security
Presentation Overview
Token-based security architectures are not new concepts, but the last year has seen an explosion of incremental mini-standards that mitigate some very interesting risks when throwing around both access and identity tokens. Join Pamela Dingle to talk about the many OAuth and OpenID Connect related specification efforts which are subtley enhancing abilities to perform client authentication, dynamic client registration, and user discovery. She will step through what options have evolved, why they might help to secure an architecture, and how they work with existing specifications.