Richard Ford

Richard Ford
Dr. Richard Ford is the Chief Technology Officer of Praetorian. He has over 25 years’ experience
in computer security, working with both offensive and defensive technology solutions. During
his career, Ford has held positions with Cyren, Forcepoint, Virus Bulletin, IBM Research, and
NTT Verio. In addition to work in the private sector, he has also worked in academia, having
held an endowed chair in Computer Security, and worked as Head of the Computer Sciences
and Cybersecurity Department at the Florida Institute of Technology. Under his leadership, the
University was designated a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity Research
by the DHS and NSA. He has published numerous papers and has authored over 25 issued
patents in the security area. Ford holds a Bachelor’s, Master’s and D.Phil. in Physics from the
University of Oxford. In addition to his work, he is an accomplished jazz flutist and Instrument
Rated Private Pilot.