Ted Claypoole

Ted Claypoole
Title: Making Security & Legal Best Friends
Abstract: Regulation, legal judgements, settlements, and common practices define today’s “best practices” in cyber and information security programs. The best security tool is not enough unless its aligned to evolving legal practices. Make the company lawyer your friend and get their help mapping your program to standards defined in law and agreements to reduce business risk (and protect your career). Lawyers can facilitate security governance, help prioritize, and cut through obstacles. Hear a security pro and a lawyer provide real-life examples.
Bio: Ted Claypoole is a partner at the Transatlantic law firm of Womble Bond Dickinson, practicing IT contracting and data security law. He is past chair of the American Bar Association’s Cyberspace Law Committee in the Business Law Section and serves as Liaison between the ABA Business Law Section and the Standing Committee on Law and National Security. Ted is co-author with Theresa Payton of two privacy books from Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. He worked in-house for Bank of America and CompuServe.