Todd Inskeep

Todd Inskeep
Title: Making Security & Legal Best Friends
Regulation, legal judgements, settlements, and common practices define today’s “best practices” in cyber and information security programs. The best security tool is not enough unless its aligned to evolving legal practices. Make the company lawyer your friend and get their help mapping your program to standards defined in law and agreements to reduce business risk (and protect your career). Lawyers can facilitate security governance, help prioritize, and cut through obstacles. Hear a security pro and a lawyer provide real-life examples.
Bio: Todd Inskeep brings years of security leadership and innovation experience managing cyber risk and delivering business results. He’s been a CISO, lead cybersecurity assessments for global companies, and delivered in oil & gas, pharma, financial and other verticals. Todd currently runs Incovate Solutions LLC, focused on building world-class cybersecurity programs for business executives and boards.