Zulfikar Ramzan

Zulfikar Ramzan
Title: TBD
Abstract: TBD
Bio: As Chief Digital Officer, Zulfikar Ramzan leads RSA IT, Security and Risk Office, Cloud Transformation Organization, Facilities, and RSA Labs (a forward-leaning R&D organization). In this role, he drives RSA’s digital journey, including the implementation of IT systems and processes, refining RSA’s data architecture and connected flex workplace strategy, managing digital risk for RSA, and developing cutting-edge functionality across RSA product lines. Ramzan joined RSA in 2015 from Elastica (acquired by Blue Coat), where he was CTO. Previously, he was Chief Scientist of Sourcefire (acquired by Cisco). Ramzan holds over 60 patents and a Ph.D. in computer science from MIT. His doctoral advisor was Professor Ronald L. Rivest, co-founder of RSA Data Security.